Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Introduction to No Deep Frying Allowed.

If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook you already know that I enjoy cooking so much that I always end up sharing pictures of food I make.  I love the process of coming up with a recipe, getting all the ingredients together,  the styling of the plate and taking pretty pictures. I am madly in love with gorgeous food photography.
I wake up thinking of  ingredients for lunch and dinner, what I can make that will not only be mouthwatering but also look good on the plate.

With this blog I want to share beautiful yet simple food that anyone can cook.  I want to inspire you to be creative in the kitchen, to make use of whatever you have on hand, to think outside of the box, to be a risk taker and try something new and exciting.

Deep frying has never been part of my cooking experience , not be confused with pan frying.
Follow me on this journey to cooking deliciously food. Here I will be documenting the food we eat at home or at different restaurants. There will be times I will share a recipe.

The Rambutan fruit is native to Indonesia and Malaysia.
(Photo credits: Farrielledesign)

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