Thursday, November 13, 2014

Things we eat these days.

We pretty much eat everything, I love cooking a nice meal for my family. We love sitting down at the island or at the table if we have guest so we can chat about our day.
When I grew up we had different times for dinner and not everyone was together at the table. I remember eating dinner just standing in the kitchen my mom would remind me to please sit down and eat.
So recently the hubby who is a great cook and also my mentor, made us Tuscan Tortellini soup oh my I shared this on the facebook and inspired others to make the same this is a hearty soup you want to eat on a cold night. It has Italian Sausage in it and also Kale but you can put any greens you like and let me tell you the kids really loved this soup and yes the kale too.
So scroll for all the instagram pictures of food I took recently.

Fish on the grill.

Ever since my husband decided to buy the Kamado Joe (the big black egg) grill instead of the green egg we have been grilling a lot. We have grilled fish, chicken, picanha, filet mignon, chicken satay and vegetables. We also did pizza and to our disappointment they didn't come out how we wanted them we know what went wrong and will give it a try again some time soon.
So this time we grilled a wild caught fish he bought recently. I made a yellow rice, corn on the cobb and a side salad.